I've made a goal starting today to make a portrait of anyone/anything for the rest of the month, who knows, maybe even longer :)
Day 1: Popcorn the Amorphous Thing
So for this day I basically sketched out the first thing that came to mind this morning; a strange bumpy alien like thing. Purely used the charcoal stick . Started with a quick outline here and the disgruntled face, almost showing a disparity.
Here i did some detail work on the face adding a bit more shading to his bumps.
For the final product, I darkened the circles around his eyes to show that they are sunken in. I added more tumorous growths on the head, and completed the detailing. All in all I really enjoyed this, and I'm excited to start another piece.
Day 2: The Best Representation of Myself
This day I decided to do a self portrait, so I took a picture of myself when I woke up and just draw how I felt afterwards. (i know it's a dark photo)
I wanted to point out my half-hearted 'smile' so I made is as a grotesque Joker-like scar (which works cuz I have my share of facial scars from martial arts training). I also wanted to emphasize my large, globular eyes. Another really fun piece, I'm enjoying this project so far!
Day 3: Mutha's Day
This one was just a fun little piece I did, for the special day celebrating our matriarchs.
Day 4: Roswell
For this day I decided to mix it up with a quick little digital painting. I basically made my interpretation of the traditional 'Grey Alien'. Simple photoshop painting and got a chance to work on the planets again.
Day 5+6: Smirk
This one was done all with one pen and man did it feel long (Took approximately 8 hours total). Unfortunately I didn't get to work on many more drawings due to work and doing research for my game, so this one counts as the other one I missed.
There was alot of detail put into the exposed muscular structure of our model here. Spent alot of time on it and I personally am really proud of it
Day 7: Sight (illustration friday as well)
Another pen drawing based on the word "sight". I wanted to accentuate the eyes for obvious reasoning. This was a little test for me as I wanted to see what I can make in a >45 minute time period as I only had a chance to do this on my lunch break at work. I think it turned out well considering.
Day 8: Sightless
This one is another portrait done at work, so I had a rough time constraint. Quick and fun.
Day 9: Stressed
After having a rather anxious night this Victoria day, I thought that rather than let the stress take over me, I'll use it to my advantage. I listened to some crazy music ('Unexpect' check 'em out) and made a very aggressive charcoal piece.
Day 10- Koffing
Here I did my favourite Pokemon, KOFFING! For those who aren't familiar, Koffing is essentially a floating toxic-gaseous tumor with a big smile on its face.

(original pic)
(my interpretation, similar no?)
So to make this, I simply sketched it in ink, scanned it, and then coloured it in photoshop.
Day 11- ロボット (Robotto)
Much along the same lines of what I did with Day 10, I used ink and photoshop to colour. Had to do most of this at work.
Day 12- Hypno (more Pokemon)
Maybe I should consider doing a pokemon series. Hypno was creepy to start with, I just added a couple details.
Day 13+14 Suspicion
Unfortunately due to work and lack of supplies at work, I missed a day, but made up for it by making this shady lil' fella. Done with a HB pencil
Day 15 Muk and Grimers
My last Pokemon post for the month. Alot of people requested I do this as a series, so I'm breaking the ice.
So here are my little sentient puddles of sludge
Day 16 Swamp Thing
An older ink sketch I did, thought it could use some colour so I touched it up digitally.
Day 17- Fear